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  • Registrant : 宝塚市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/09
  • Published : 2023/09/09
  • Changed :2023/09/09
  • Total View : 729 persons
2023/9/1 - 2023/12/14 / 宝塚市 / School / Seminar

Seminar on Labor Contracts, etc.

In this seminar, we will explain "Basic Information on Labor Contracts," the "Permanent Worker Conversion Rule," a system to promote the long-term success of part-time and contract employees, and the "Guidelines for the Promotion of Secondary Employment ・," which were revised in July 2022.

In this seminar, we will explain "Basic Information on Labor Contracts," the "Permanent Worker Conversion Rule," a system to promote the long-term success of part-time and contract employees, and the "Guidelines for the Promotion of Secondary ・ Work Work Concurrently Held," which were revised in July 2022.

Seminar participants will receive a free copy of the textbook and materials summarizing labor-related laws and regulations and the ・ Guidelines for Promoting Secondary Employment .
Individual consultations are scheduled after the seminar.

Address 宝塚市
Date 2023/9/1 - 2023/12/14
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Vivinavi - Events

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