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  • Registrant : 沖縄市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/14
  • Published : 2023/09/14
  • Changed :2023/09/14
  • Total View : 1598 persons
2023/10/9 / 沖縄市 / Sports

Okinawa City Sports Day

Okinawa City Sports Day" will be held to promote the spread and development of sports and promote health. Parents and children can enjoy sports and various genres of sports throughout Koza Sports Park. Struck out at the tennis courts, real baseball board at Shinkin Stadium, and more will be held this year. A physical fitness test will also be held in the gymnasium. Why don't you come and measure your physical fitness level !.

Okinawa City Sports Day" will be held to promote the spread and development of sports and promote health. Parents and children can enjoy sports and various genres of sports throughout Koza Sports Park. Struck out at the tennis courts, real baseball board at Shinkin Stadium, and more will be held this year. A physical fitness test will also be held in the gymnasium. Why don't you come and measure your physical fitness level !.

Address 沖縄市
Date 2023/10/9
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 16:00 minute(s)
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