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  • Registrant : 横須賀市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/04
  • Published : 2023/11/04
  • Changed :2023/11/04
  • Total View : 539 persons
2024/3/2 - 2024/3/23 / 横須賀市 / School / Seminar

VELUX YOKOSUKA Hula Dance Class ( Beginners )

Through hula dance, students will experience the history and culture of the Hawaiian people, who have a heart of gratitude and worship for the bounty of nature, and move their bodies comfortably with gentle music.

Through hula dance, you will experience the history and culture of the Hawaiian people, who have a heart of gratitude and worship for the bounty of nature, and move your body comfortably with gentle music.
This 10-session course will be held on Saturdays during the period, except for January 27, 2024.

Address 横須賀市
Date 2024/3/2 - 2024/3/23
Time 10:30 minute(s) - 11:30 minute(s)
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